Descendants of Thomas Lamb


1. Thomas Lamb

1Pedigree Resource File CD 26, (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 2001).

2Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Release date: May 6, 1997, Tree #3541, .

3Automated Archives, Inc, .

4Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Tree #3541.


1Pedigree Resource File CD 26, (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 2001).

2Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Release date: May 6, 1997, Tree #3541, .

3Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Tree #3541.

4Automated Archives, Inc, .

5Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Tree #3541.

6New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Clarence Almon Torrey, .

7Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Tree #3541.

2. Samuel Lamb

1Pedigree Resource File CD 26, (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 2001).

2Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Release date: May 6, 1997, Tree #3541, .

3Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 10, Ed. 1, Tree #3541.