<----> , Abbott , Adams , Aguillon , Alday , Alfonsez Count of Provence , Allen , Ambroise , Andersson , Andrews , Anjou , Anjou King of Jerusalem , Aquillon , Aquitaine , Arbetot (Abbetot) Despencer , Arbitot , Aulney , Avogigian , Avranches , Baalun , Badcock , Badlesmere , Baker , Baker Spreckley , Balts , Bamme , Barber or Barker , Bardolf , Bardolph , Barsoian , Basset , Bassett , Batchelor , Bayeux , Beardes , Beauchamp , Beaumont , Beniston , Berdewell , Bergstrom , Bermingham , Bernicia , Biggs , Bigod , Bigot , Biornsson , Blundell , Boissay , Bolebec , Bonyngton , Borrell , Boston , Bosworth , Boulogne , Boys , Brabant , Bradbury , Braiser , Braos , Braose , Brasier , Brazier , Brenchley , Brent , Brettell , Brettle , Bridges , Brionne , Brioquibec , Brittany (Bretagne) , Briwere , Brockman , Broman , Brooman , Brown , Burcian , Burgundy , Butler , Camoys , Camville , Carew , Castile And Leon , Castile , Caswell , Centville , Chamond , Chateau du Loire , Chateaudum , Chaworth (Chaources) , Chaworth , Cheisman , Chesmane , Chester , Chiles , Clare :[Earl of Gloucester] , Clare , Clarke , Clermont (Creil, Mouchy) , Clermont , Clifford , Cobham (Lestrange) , Cobham , Cockle , Cogan , Coke , Coles , Conteville , Cooper , Coppin , Cornish , Cottle , Courcy , Cowper , Creil , Crepi , Crepon , Crompe , Curlinge , d'Abitot , d'Albetot , d'Argouges , d'Aunou , Dainty , Dallingridge , Dalyngruge , Dammartin , Daniels , Dankin , Davenport , Davy , Dawson , de Bourgogne , de Ferrers , de Mortimer , de Torta , Dedunstanville , Deincourt , Deinsula Delisle , Denny , Despencer , Devereux , Dod , Domfront , Doyley , Dronsfield , Dryland , Dunstanville , Earl , England , Erickson , Eriksson King of Sweden , Ersdotter , Ersson , Escures , Estice , Eu & Brionne , Evering , Evreux , Ewrus , Falaise , Farnsworth , Fernandez King of Leon And Castile , Ferrers (Ferrieres) , Ferrers , Ferrieres , Finch , FitzBarnard , FitzBernard , FitzGeoffrey , FitzGerald , FitzGilbert , FitzHubert , FitzMaurice , FitzOsbern , FitzOsborne , FitzPatrick , FitzPiers , FitzRichard , FitzRobert , FitzRoger , FitzScrob , FitzSimon , FitzWarine , Flaitel , Flanders , Fleche , Fleitel , Foate , Foliot , Foot , Fowle , France , Francis , Gael (Waiet) , Gael , Gand (Ghent) , Gand , Garlick , Gastinois , Gatesden , Gay or Gray , Gensing , George , Ghesnes , Giffard , Gillson (Gilson) , Gillson , Gilson , Gloucester , Goodbon , Gossenton , Goteley , Gotely , Gotly , Gournay , Goushill , Gousille , Goz , Grandson , Graunt , Greenstreet , Greesley , Grenford , Grosce , Gruffydd , Gunashian , Gunnell , Haie , Hainault , Hales , Hall , Hammond , Hamon , Hanslape , Hanson , Harcourt , Harnett , Harrison , Haynes , Hayward , Herbert (Finch) , Herbert or Finch , Hesdin , Hinchcliffe , Holden , Holland , Holt , Hooper , Hoskin , Hotzotian , Hows , Hughes (Hose) , Hugleville , Huntington , Hursey , Huskin , Ingelow , Ivry , Jaccoian , Jcrigian , Jones , Josselyn , Kall , Katsigian , Keale , Kevelioc de Meschines Earl of Chester , Kezerian , Kiev , King , Kirby , Kizerian , Knatchbull , Knowler , La Marche , Lacy , Ladyman , Lakin , Lancaster , Landen , Landing , Le Bon , Lee , Leicester , Leinster , Lewknor , Llewelyn , Loftie , Lofty , Longespee , Longley , Louches , Lovaine , Lovell , Lutegareshale , Maine , Malet , Manasses , Mandeville , Markham , Marsh , Marshall , Mason , Matsdotter , Mattsdotter , Mauduit , May , McMurrough , Meakin , Mekin or Meakin , Meschin Earl of Chester , Meschines , Meschines Viscount de Bayeux , Meulan , Meulent , Miller (Diana-Din , Miller (Thomas) , Miller , Miller or Thomas , Miller , Mockett , Modaian , Monins , Montanolier , Montdidier , Montfort (Evreux) , Montfort , Montgomery , Montgomery Despencer , Montgomery , Mortagne , Mortaigne , Mortimer , Moverley , Moverly , Mustin , Nethersole , Neufmarche , Newburg , Newton , Nichols , Nickliss , Nilsdotter , Nordquist , Norfolk , Normandy , Northumberland , Nortoft , O'Byrne , O'Toole , Obotrites Queen of Sweden , Olafsdotter Princess of Sweden , Oldis , Olson , Olsson , Osborn , Osule , Over , Overy , Owlett , Pannell , Parker , Parkhouse , Pavard , Paverd , Pearce , Pearson , Pecguigny , Peek , Pelham , Perche , Peverel , Peverell , Peyferer , Phallop , Phillips , Phillpott , Picot , Pierce , Pierce or Pearson , Pierce , Pimm , Pitres , Plantagenet , Plat , Pollard , Pollington , Polotsk , Ponteaudemer , Ponthieu & Montreuil , Ponthieu , Poynings , Price , Prindergast , Provence , Pympe , Quincy , Rabidge , Ragley , Raynolds , Rich , Riddlesford , Rie , Rigden , Ringeley , Rinnman , Roberts , Robinson , Rockhill (Rokell) , Rockhill , Rogate , Rotherfield , Roucy , Round , Rowland , Russell , Sackett , Sackett or Sackette , Sackett , Saint Clare , Saint Hilary (Hilaire) , Saint Hilary , Saint Liz (Senlis) , Saint Liz , Saint Liz or Senlis , Saint Saveur , Saint Valery , Salerne , Salisbury , Sampson , Samsoian , Savoy , Scrob , Sell , Selves , Senlis , Shakerly , Sheaf , Sherinian , Sitwell , Slye , Smith , Snoden , Soames , Soams , Sprackling , Sprakeling , Spratt , Staindal , Stanton , Stapleton , Stephens , Stock , Stones , Street , Strivens , Striverne , Styrland , Sully , Swift , Sydnor , Taillebois , Taillefer , Takvorian , Talvace , Talvas (Talvace) , Talvas , Tarpinian , Taylor , Thakel , Thurston , Tiptoft , Toeni (Conches) , Toeni , Tomlin , Toni , Topp , Totenais , Totnais , Toulouse , Troward , Turner , Tyas , Tybotot , Tynsloe , Underdown , Vaux , Venuz , Vere , Vermandois , Vexin , Vitre , Wadkin , Waiet , Waleries , Walker , Walleries , Walsingham , Waltham , Warenne (Warren) , Warenne , Warren , Warwick , Watkin , Watkins , Watts , Welles , Wentworth , Westall , Westlund , Wheeler , White , Whitehead , Wild , Wilde , Wiles , Williams , Williamson , Witherden , Witt , Wood , Woodcock , Woodhouse , Woodland , Woods , Woodward , Writtle , Wyles , Yaregian , Yaroslavna