The Wilde Genealogist Where to go to get help with your genealogy! |
England Research |
English Genealogy Research If you have English ancestors and you want to learn how to trace your genealogy, you are in the right place. The following pages will help you get started with your research and then explain to you how to use the best genealogical records in England. For British genealogy there are four principle record types: census records, parish records, civil registration records, and probate records. Each record type is explained in detail on the following pages. These pages are meant to be an overview and do not explain all the details you may need to know. If you get stuck or have a question please contact me. Note: As you read these pages and other genealogy web sites you will see many references to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes referred to as the LDS Church or the Mormon Church. This church owns and operates the largest genealogy library in the world. The library is constantly microfilming more genealogy records all over the world. To learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or to find out why we do genealogy, please visit one of the churches web sites at www.lds.org or www.mormon.org. |